Last Updated: June 28, 2024

AYSCO.MX Summary

aysco.mx has 4 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 1 MX records, and 2 TXT records. Name servers for aysco.mx are ns4170.dns.dyn.com, ns2175.dns.dyn.com, ns1147.dns.dyn.com, ns3155.dns.dyn.com. A records for aysco.mx are MX records that process @aysco.mx email are aysco-mx.mail.protection.outlook.com. We have observed aysco.mx to have 2 subdomains. A subdomain count of 2 is considered a small digital footprint. The website's description is: "aysco. integrador de tecnología con 30+ años en el mercado. socio estretégico hewlett packard enterprise hpe con presencia en toda la frontera méxico-usa especializado en infraestructura de cómputo, almacenamiento, redes, servicios de soporte y servicios de protección de la información."

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A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

aysco.mx. 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 include:spf.protection.outlook.com -all"

aysco.mx. 3600 IN TXT "MS=ms91532376"

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AYSCO.MX Subdomains

aysco.mx has 2 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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AYSCO.MX Website

IP Address

Meta Tags

og:title: aysco | intellicenter de mexico | hpe partner

og:description: aysco. integrador de tecnología con 30+ años en el mercado. socio estretégico hewlett packard enterprise hpe con presencia en toda la frontera méxico-usa especializado en infraestructura de cómputo, almacenamiento, redes, servicios de soporte y servicios de protección de la información.

og:url: https://www.aysco.com.mx

og:site_name: aysco

og:type: website

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AYSCO.MX Certificate Trust

No certificate log entry found for aysco.mx. Please check back at a later time.

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