Last Updated: July 02, 2024

C7Z8G1P.TOP Summary

c7z8g1p.top has 2 NS records, 3 A records, 2 AAAA records, 0 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for c7z8g1p.top are sierra.ns.cloudflare.com, watson.ns.cloudflare.com. A records for c7z8g1p.top are ,, AAAA records for c7z8g1p.top are 2606:4700:3037:0:0:0:6815:5130, 2606:4700:3035:0:0:0:ac43:bc2e. The domain's primary website is hosted on a cloudflare web server at in United States. The website's description is: "多肉植物入門懶人包,一次搞懂市場上常見的人氣多肉植物的照顧方式,告訴你多肉為什麼而枯萎、徒長。多肉植物不需要時常澆水、病蟲害少、易維護的特性相當符合現代人的需要,就算出國兩週不澆水可能都還活得好好的,這一篇文章是寫給新手的,讓大家看完之後更有自信照顧好多肉喔!"

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C7Z8G1P.TOP DNS Records

A Records

No DNS A records

MX Records

No DNS MX records

TXT Records

No DNS TXT records

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C7Z8G1P.TOP Subdomains

No subdomains found. Please check back at a later time.

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C7Z8G1P.TOP Website

Web Server


IP Address


United States

Meta Tags

og:locale: zh_tw

og:type: article

og:title: 42 種高人氣多肉植物介紹與照顧方式 | 有肉 succuland

og:description: 多肉植物入門懶人包,一次搞懂市場上常見的人氣多肉植物的照顧方式,告訴你多肉為什麼而枯萎、徒長。多肉植物不需要時常澆水、病蟲害少、易維護的特性相當符合現代人的需要,就算出國兩週不澆水可能都還活得好好的,這一篇文章是寫給新手的,讓大家看完之後更有自信照顧好多肉喔!

og:url: https://succuland.com.tw/brands-project/20-popular-succulents/

og:site_name: 有肉 succuland

article:publisher: https://www.facebook.com/succuland.com.tw/

og:updated_time: 2024-04-19t12:42:26+08:00

fb:app_id: 1026883100726728

og:image: https://succuland.com.tw/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/dsc_0792.jpg

og:image:secure_url: https://succuland.com.tw/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/dsc_0792.jpg

og:image:width: 1280

og:image:height: 857

og:image:alt: 多肉植物

og:image:type: image/jpeg

article:published_time: 2022-01-21t16:54:15+08:00

article:modified_time: 2024-04-19t12:42:26+08:00

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C7Z8G1P.TOP Certificate Trust

No certificate log entry found for c7z8g1p.top. Please check back at a later time.

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