Last Updated: June 27, 2024


jdevergreen.com has 4 NS records, 4 A records, 0 AAAA records, 0 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for jdevergreen.com are ns-1733.awsdns-24.co.uk, ns-65.awsdns-08.com, ns-955.awsdns-55.net, ns-1268.awsdns-30.org. A records for jdevergreen.com are,,, We have observed jdevergreen.com to have 1 subdomains. A subdomain count of 1 is considered a small digital footprint. The domain's primary website is hosted on a CloudFront web server at in United States. The website's description is: "j.d.evergreen is an australian author who lives on the mornington peninsula. she spent her childhood writing small short stories and inventing worlds that were all her own. when she became an adult, she put her efforts into more adultly things such as acquiring a bachelor in primary education, and a post-graduate certificate of ancient history. eventually, she became bored with life as an everyday adult and returned to her writing where she could live in her own worlds and share them with others. now as a certified procrastinator of adulting, jessica spends countless hours crafting worlds that inspire the imagination and bring joy to the people who join the journey of the characters and enter unknown worlds. every so often jessica steps back into the world of adulting and teaches at her local schools, but she is quickly reminded she doesn’t like adulting and always returns to her writing. special skills. jessica can turn just about any song into a song about food and will often sing (badly) at the top of her lungs about the things she is doing. frequent renditions of “everyday i’m editin,” and “i will always love food,” are an everyday occurrence in jessicas’s household. jessica knows every disney song ever and she knows the words to all of them. except for the opening song of the lion king, but then does anyone know what the real words are? jessica lives under the suspicion that there are no real words and on the day of recording the person just sang sounds into the microphone. jessica likes to build things out of useless items and then put them around the house so her housemates have to live with them. items may include a 4ft snowman made of plastic cups, a plant holder made of soft drink bottles and rainbow glitter sneakers that leave a trail of glitter everywhere she goes, and everywhere she doesn’t. if you are looking for more about me check out my website https://www.j.d.evergreen.com "

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AAAA Records

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jdevergreen.com has 1 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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Web Server


IP Address


United States

Meta Tags

og:title: j.d. evergreen

og:description: j.d.evergreen is an australian author who lives on the mornington peninsula. she spent her childhood writing small short stories and inventing worlds that were all her own. when she became an adult, she put her efforts into more adultly things such as acquiring a bachelor in primary education, and a post-graduate certificate of ancient history. eventually, she became bored with life as an everyday adult and returned to her writing where she could live in her own worlds and share them with others. now as a certified procrastinator of adulting, jessica spends countless hours crafting worlds that inspire the imagination and bring joy to the people who join the journey of the characters and enter unknown worlds. every so often jessica steps back into the world of adulting and teaches at her local schools, but she is quickly reminded she doesn’t like adulting and always returns to her writing. special skills. jessica can turn just about any song into a song about food and will often sing (badly) at the top of her lungs about the things she is doing. frequent renditions of “everyday i’m editin,” and “i will always love food,” are an everyday occurrence in jessicas’s household. jessica knows every disney song ever and she knows the words to all of them. except for the opening song of the lion king, but then does anyone know what the real words are? jessica lives under the suspicion that there are no real words and on the day of recording the person just sang sounds into the microphone. jessica likes to build things out of useless items and then put them around the house so her housemates have to live with them. items may include a 4ft snowman made of plastic cups, a plant holder made of soft drink bottles and rainbow glitter sneakers that leave a trail of glitter everywhere she goes, and everywhere she doesn’t. if you are looking for more about me check out my website https://www.j.d.evergreen.com 

og:url: https://jdevergreen.com/

og:type: website

og:image: https://res.cloudinary.com/wellfleet/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,h_300,q_auto,w_300/gopd5yk8ahj92aey95bmg2teoxer

twitter:card: summary

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JDEVERGREEN.COM Certificate Trust

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