Last Updated: June 26, 2024

LEITZ.FI Summary

leitz.fi has 4 NS records, 2 A records, 0 AAAA records, 2 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for leitz.fi are ns3-06.azure-dns.org, ns4-06.azure-dns.info, ns1-06.azure-dns.com, ns2-06.azure-dns.net. A records for leitz.fi are , MX records that process @leitz.fi email are relay2.netnames.net, relay1.netnames.net. We have observed leitz.fi to have 1 subdomains. A subdomain count of 1 is considered a small digital footprint. The domain's primary website is hosted on a Microsoft-IIS/8.0 web server at in United States. The website's description is: "leitz on toimittaja eri toimistotarvikkeille ja ratkaisuille. vierailemalla nettisivuillamme löydät oikeat tarvikkeet ja palvelut täydelliselle toimistolle."

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A Records

No DNS A records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

No DNS TXT records

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LEITZ.FI Subdomains

leitz.fi has 1 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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LEITZ.FI Website

Web Server


IP Address


United States

Meta Tags

og:title: leitz - kaikki mitä tarvitset niin toimistoon kuin kotiinkin

og:type: website

og:url: https://www.leitz.com/fi-fi/

og:description: leitz on toimittaja eri toimistotarvikkeille ja ratkaisuille. vierailemalla nettisivuillamme löydät oikeat tarvikkeet ja palvelut täydelliselle toimistolle.

og:site_name: leitz

og:locale: fi_fi

og:locale:alternate: en_gb

og:locale:alternate: nl_be

og:locale:alternate: de_de

og:locale:alternate: es_es

og:locale:alternate: de_at

og:locale:alternate: fr_be

og:locale:alternate: cs_cz

og:locale:alternate: da_dk

og:locale:alternate: fi_fi

og:locale:alternate: fr_fr

og:locale:alternate: el_gr

og:locale:alternate: hu_hu

og:locale:alternate: nl_nl

og:locale:alternate: pl_pl

og:locale:alternate: ro_ro

og:locale:alternate: ru_ru

og:locale:alternate: sk_sk

og:locale:alternate: sv_se

og:locale:alternate: de_ch

og:locale:alternate: tr_tr

og:locale:alternate: it_it

og:locale:alternate: no_no

og:locale:alternate: en_ax

og:locale:alternate: en_nu

og:locale:alternate: pt_pt

og:locale:alternate: en_ie

og:locale:alternate: en_ee

og:locale:alternate: en_lt

og:locale:alternate: en_lv

og:locale:alternate: pt_br

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LEITZ.FI Certificate Trust

No certificate log entry found for leitz.fi. Please check back at a later time.

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