Last Updated: June 28, 2024


nwca.club has 4 NS records, 2 A records, 0 AAAA records, 2 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for nwca.club are ns2.joomlahosting1.com, ns4.joomlahosting1.com, ns3.joomlahosting1.com, ns1.joomlahosting1.com. A records for nwca.club are , MX records that process @nwca.club email are mx2.joomlahosting1.com, mx1.joomlahosting1.com. The domain's primary website is hosted on a Apache web server at in Germany. The website's description is: "the club is used for club social activities and functions and the facilities of the club are also hired out to non- members to use for private functions and various other indoor activities. the nwca boasts one of the best ‘value for money’ function rooms in windsor, which makes it a perfect venue for wedding receptions or parties, anniversary, birthday and christening parties, agms, general meetings, conferences and charity fund raising events.  the club also accepts bookings for wakes. click here to apply to join the large function hall can comfortably accommodate 180 people for a sit-down function and there is a separate bar which is private to the function. there is space for a disco or live band – for which a small stage is available – with room left for dancing too!  our small hall can accommodate 80-100 people and once again there is a bar! we also have a large fully functional kitchen which can be hired for you to self-cater for your function our location we are ideally placed for individuals and groups across windsor, slough and berkshire.new windsor community association also organises a lot of events such as quiz nights, live bands and bbqs, so contact us if you are interested in attending any of these events.if you are looking to take part in a sporting or leisure activity, to socialise or if you want to organise a party, get in touch with us now. [wpgmza id=1] latest news sign up for our newsletter want to keep up with what is going on at the club? then why not sign up to receive our newsletter, we promise not to flood your inbox! [acymailing_form_shortcode id=1]"

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A Records

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AAAA Records

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TXT Records

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NWCA.CLUB Subdomains

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Web Server


IP Address



Meta Tags

og:image:secure_url: https://nwca.club/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/club2.png

twitter:card: summary_large_image

twitter:image: https://nwca.club/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/club2.png

og:image:type: image/png

og:image:width: 960

og:image:height: 601

og:url: https://nwca.club/

og:description: the club is used for club social activities and functions and the facilities of the club are also hired out to non- members to use for private functions and various other indoor activities. the nwca boasts one of the best ‘value for money’ function rooms in windsor, which makes it a perfect venue for wedding receptions or parties, anniversary, birthday and christening parties, agms, general meetings, conferences and charity fund raising events.  the club also accepts bookings for wakes. click here to apply to join the large function hall can comfortably accommodate 180 people for a sit-down function and there is a separate bar which is private to the function. there is space for a disco or live band – for which a small stage is available – with room left for dancing too!  our small hall can accommodate 80-100 people and once again there is a bar! we also have a large fully functional kitchen which can be hired for you to self-cater for your function our location we are ideally placed for individuals and groups across windsor, slough and berkshire.new windsor community association also organises a lot of events such as quiz nights, live bands and bbqs, so contact us if you are interested in attending any of these events.if you are looking to take part in a sporting or leisure activity, to socialise or if you want to organise a party, get in touch with us now. [wpgmza id=1] latest news sign up for our newsletter want to keep up with what is going on at the club? then why not sign up to receive our newsletter, we promise not to flood your inbox! [acymailing_form_shortcode id=1]

og:title: the nwca social club

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NWCA.CLUB Certificate Trust

No certificate log entry found for nwca.club. Please check back at a later time.

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