Last Updated: June 28, 2024


orderpastaricotx.com has 2 NS records, 2 A records, 0 AAAA records, 1 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for orderpastaricotx.com are pdns08.domaincontrol.com, pdns07.domaincontrol.com. A records for orderpastaricotx.com are , MX records that process @orderpastaricotx.com email are mx.menufy.com. The website's description is: "online ordering menu for pastarico. at pastarico in belton, we specialize in pasta and italian cuisine. our menu features a variety of dishes, including appetizers and various pasta options such as tomato sauce, pink sauce, cream sauce, and olive and white wine sauce. our chefs carefully select high-quality ingredients to ensure every dish is fresh and made to order. our restaurant is located in the same building as toast&tea, and our chefs jj and bay are always available to answer any questions you may have. simply ask any staff member for assistance, and they will be more than happy to help you navigate our menu"

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Meta Tags

fb:page_id: 197500906955071

fb:admins: 7727820

og:title: pastarico - belton, tx 76513-3240 (menu & order online)

og:type: restaurant

og:url: orderpastaricotx.com

og:image: https://menufyproduction.imgix.net/638544236385354322+1462503.png?auto=compress,format&h=1080&w=1920&fit=max

og:description: online ordering menu for pastarico. at pastarico in belton, we specialize in pasta and italian cuisine. our menu features a variety of dishes, including appetizers and various pasta options such as tomato sauce, pink sauce, cream sauce, and olive and white wine sauce. our chefs carefully select high-quality ingredients to ensure every dish is fresh and made to order. our restaurant is located in the same building as toast&tea, and our chefs jj and bay are always available to answer any questions you may have. simply ask any staff member for assistance, and they will be more than happy to help you navigate our menu

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No certificate log entry found for orderpastaricotx.com. Please check back at a later time.

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