Last Updated: June 29, 2024

OTCRA.FR Summary

otcra.fr has 2 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 2 MX records, and 1 TXT records. Name servers for otcra.fr are eip1.u-ga.fr, eip2.u-ga.fr. A records for otcra.fr are MX records that process @otcra.fr email are fb.mail.gandi.net, spool.mail.gandi.net. We have observed otcra.fr to have 1 subdomains. A subdomain count of 1 is considered a small digital footprint. The domain's primary website is hosted on a Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) web server at in France. The website's description is: "l’observatoire territorial des conduites à risque de l’adolescent est une structure dédiée à l’observation et à la prévention des conduites à problèmes chez les adolescents." As of June 29, 2024, otcra.fr does not have any threat intelligence reports of concern.

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A Records

AAAA Records

No DNS AAAA records

TXT Records

otcra.fr. 3600 IN TXT "v=spf1 include:_mailcust.gandi.net ?all"

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OTCRA.FR Subdomains

otcra.fr has 1 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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OTCRA.FR Website

Web Server

Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)

IP Address



Meta Tags

og:locale: fr_fr

og:type: website

og:title: observatoire territorial des conduites à risque de l’adolescent

og:description: l’observatoire territorial des conduites à risque de l’adolescent est une structure dédiée à l’observation et à la prévention des conduites à problèmes chez les adolescents.

og:url: https://otcra.fr/

og:site_name: otcra

og:image: https://otcra.fr/app/uploads/2017/07/observatoire-e1500910955918.jpg

og:image:secure_url: https://otcra.fr/app/uploads/2017/07/observatoire-e1500910955918.jpg

og:image:width: 1828

og:image:height: 729

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OTCRA.FR Certificate Trust

No certificate log entry found for otcra.fr. Please check back at a later time.

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