Last Updated: June 28, 2024


terrybuglilly.com has 4 NS records, 5 A records, 0 AAAA records, 0 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for terrybuglilly.com are ns-649.awsdns-17.net, ns-1887.awsdns-43.co.uk, ns-1418.awsdns-49.org, ns-373.awsdns-46.com. A records for terrybuglilly.com are ,,,, The domain's primary website is hosted on a CloudFront web server at in United States. The website's description is: "terry lilly, who his friends call bug, is a jack of all trades determined to sample everything available on the menu of life in one sitting. he is an artist, singer/songwriter, and now author currently residing in huntington, wv.he was raised in a conservative evangelical christian family in the appalachian hills and served as a full time minister for seven years in the jehovah's witnesses faith. his crisis of identity as a gay man lead him to heorin addiction and even brushes with death. he believes the reason is still here is to share his powerful and engaging story in order to help others.his memoir, "an immovable object," is a well written, multi-layered, fast past narrative that covers relationships, grief, mental health and ends with a motivational message of self acceptance and loving-kindness. he takes on serious topics with a delicate balance of wit and humor. his mission is to lift up anyone that has been hurt, neglected, or denied their right to live happy and healthy. "talent is a pursued interest; anything you are willing to practice, you can do." - bob ross"

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United States

Meta Tags

og:title: terry bug lilly

og:description: terry lilly, who his friends call bug, is a jack of all trades determined to sample everything available on the menu of life in one sitting. he is an artist, singer/songwriter, and now author currently residing in huntington, wv.he was raised in a conservative evangelical christian family in the appalachian hills and served as a full time minister for seven years in the jehovah's witnesses faith. his crisis of identity as a gay man lead him to heorin addiction and even brushes with death. he believes the reason is still here is to share his powerful and engaging story in order to help others.his memoir, "an immovable object," is a well written, multi-layered, fast past narrative that covers relationships, grief, mental health and ends with a motivational message of self acceptance and loving-kindness. he takes on serious topics with a delicate balance of wit and humor. his mission is to lift up anyone that has been hurt, neglected, or denied their right to live happy and healthy. "talent is a pursued interest; anything you are willing to practice, you can do." - bob ross

og:url: https://terrybuglilly.com/

og:type: website

og:image: https://res.cloudinary.com/wellfleet/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,h_300,q_auto,w_300/9xd16e0v9n6e64wts94hsoh8wy31

twitter:card: summary

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