Last Updated: June 29, 2024


timesmortgages.ca has 2 NS records, 1 A records, 0 AAAA records, 0 MX records, and 0 TXT records. Name servers for timesmortgages.ca are ns12.domaincontrol.com, ns11.domaincontrol.com. A records for timesmortgages.ca are We have observed timesmortgages.ca to have 2 subdomains. A subdomain count of 2 is considered a small digital footprint. The domain's primary website is hosted on a openresty web server at in United States. The website's description is: "vinay sharma is a senior mortgage broker with mortgage architects based out of surrey bc. his prior work experience is in banking with cibc & td bank. vinay services the fraser valley, lower mainland, greater vancouver area, british columbia and alberta. with more than 25 years of work experience, at top management positions and in the banking and mortgage industry he has the requisite skills, qualifications, experience and expertise to gain approvals for even toughest mortgage deals. as a sr. mortgage broker, vinay has a proven track record of gaining mortgage approvals from more than 50 lenders across canada. whether a purchase, refinance, construction, private mortgage, self employed, low income or bad credit deals he has amazing experience in helping clients with their mortgage approval. with a mba degree from a top notch university he has the capability to provide customized mortgage solutions for his clients." As of June 29, 2024, timesmortgages.ca does not have any threat intelligence reports of concern.

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A Records

AAAA Records

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MX Records

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TXT Records

No DNS TXT records

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timesmortgages.ca has 2 subdomains in our inventory.

Hostname IP Address

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Web Server


IP Address


United States

Meta Tags

og:title: top mortgage broker in surrey, vancouver : vinay sharma

og:description: vinay sharma is a senior mortgage broker with mortgage architects based out of surrey bc. his prior work experience is in banking with cibc & td bank. vinay services the fraser valley, lower mainland, greater vancouver area, british columbia and alberta. with more than 25 years of work experience, at top management positions and in the banking and mortgage industry he has the requisite skills, qualifications, experience and expertise to gain approvals for even toughest mortgage deals. as a sr. mortgage broker, vinay has a proven track record of gaining mortgage approvals from more than 50 lenders across canada. whether a purchase, refinance, construction, private mortgage, self employed, low income or bad credit deals he has amazing experience in helping clients with their mortgage approval. with a mba degree from a top notch university he has the capability to provide customized mortgage solutions for his clients.

og:image: https://cdn.msgsndr.com/location%2fvg8a1jpktvez0g3jr84o%2fimages%2fa2232d65-f2a7-4cb0-a0f7-f2e22e6c0c89.png?alt=media

og:type: website

twitter:type: website

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